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The Sunshine State

Welcome to Florida!

It was time to leave Curacao we went to seek comfort with Lillian's friends and family. Jobless and unsure what our next step was we took the time to put together our resumes and wait patiently.

We traveled a little bit all over the state and stayed with friends and family and enjoyed this time together before starting our next adventure.

Here were our highlights from the trip!

Juno Beach, Palm Beach Florida:

Here was Lillian's original hometown so it made sense we hangout with her oldest childhood friend!

We spent a lot of time on the beach taking photos and collecting shells. Then we went to the Loggerhead Marine Center to hangout with Lillian's favorite animal!

We also spent a morning at Manatee Lagoon. Was a cool experience to see these manatees hanging out so close!

We took the time to take an awesome free diving course with Lillian's dad and friend! We are now officially free divers! Such a different experience than Scuba Diving we thoroughly enjoyed it! We spent some time free diving in the springs and then we spent (Arthur's) 20th birthday scuba diving and ended the day eating at the Diner. It's been a tradition and many more trips will be made here!

*photography by Sam Blount*

*photography by James Ferrara*

*photography by James Ferrara*

We spent some more time visiting Lillian's family, exploring the lighthouse and the Busch wildlife sanctuary. We had an 'American' themed birthday party with Lillian's best friend from high school and her husband and went to Gumbo Limbo Nature Center. It was a fun week!

Next we took a road trip through Alligator Alley! Arthur's first sighting of an alligator and we were able to spend some time with more family.

Then Lillian's parents drove from North Carolina and we took a road trip to Key West. Enjoyed the food, the vibrant sunsets and the sights! It was a great time to be all together.

And then of course no trip to Florida would be complete without a trip to the most magical place on earth...Walt Disney World! We enjoyed the food, the rides, the fireworks and spending time with Lillian's brother and his wife!

We had a great time seeing friends and family and meeting everyone as an engaged couple! By the end of this trip we had heard back from a potential job and had interviews lined up. Time to continue our next adventure!

We hope you enjoyed reading through our trip! Stay safe and healthy -Lillian and Arthur


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